Molloy DSG Professional Digest
Regularly Updated Content for Leaders & Experts
On SIM Card Cloning
SIM card cloning involves creating an identical copy of a mobile phone SIM card, enabling unauthorized access to the associated phone number, services, and data. The process involves extracting the subscriber identity and other information from the original SIM card, and requires the adversary to possess the original SIM. Specialized tools, typically only used by law enforcement, criminals, and black hats, that can read and write SIM card data are used to perform this process. The result is a cloned...
Be Unframeable - Chapter 1: Being Framed is Real
Consequential to most of our daily lives, we live in bliss to the nature of the intentions of those around us. We go on our days assuming all people are benevalent without consideration of the basic nature of human desperation. Desperate actions can affect even someone flush with plenty; the acts of the desperate may be from anything from petty theft, to lying to stay out of jail, or the commission of a complicated fraud...
Das Shadowbanhammer
In the realm of social media and online communities, the concept of shadowbanning has emerged as a controversial practice that can have profound implications for users, particularly those who have not engaged in any misconduct. Shadowbanning refers to the act of restricting a user's visibility on a platform without their knowledge, rendering their posts and contributions invisible to others. While these policies are intended to be aimed at maintain...
Significance & Influence of Negative Campaigning
During a public campaign for an important and desirable position, it is important to pay close attention to the primary methods of campaigning utilized by the contenders in order to secure their positions. At the highest level of analysis, two primary methodologies of campaign strategy can be derived: positive and negative. While both are effective, the consequences for society after an election can be drastically different. Positive camp...
Being a Force For Good
An individual has a choice, always in the present, on if to act positively toward the well-being of others and creating positive change in the world, regardless of the scale. It starts with the recognition that our actions, no matter how small, can ripple outward and impact other people in our communities, across the nation, and around the world. Whether through business, kindness, or service, being a force for good involves making intentional choice...
Enhancing Security Through Automation
Integrating current generation technology into around-the-clock personal surveillance systems elevates security significantly by providing continuous monitoring paired with enhanced precision and responsiveness. Unlike traditional surveillance, which relies heavily on rudimentary sensors and human operators, modern systems automate threat detection and analysis in real time. Using technologies like enhanced motion and audio det...
Irrelevating the Ownership Role in One Phrase
When a business owner responds to constructive feedback or advice with phrases like, “This is my business, and I am the one who owns it,” it can be a red flag signaling deeper behavioral patterns that may negatively impact the business and workplace culture. While it’s natural for entrepreneurs to take pride in their ventures, this kind of defensive reaction often indicates insecurity, a resistance to change, or a need for control ...
The Worst Types of Embezzlement to Avoid
The illegal use of company funds and drug-related misconduct are critical issues that can severely impact a business' integrity and sustainability. When individuals in positions of trust, such as owners or executives, misuse company resources for personal gain or engage in illegal activities like drug use, they not only compromise their own ethics but also jeopardize the entire organization. Embezzlement is a prevalent form of financial m...
Importance of Creative Authorship Citations
Intellectual property (IP) theft becomes especially egregious when an author’s citation or credit is removed from their work without their explicit or implied permission. In creative, academic, and professional contexts, the removal of credit is not just an ethical violation—it carries serious personal, legal, and professional ramifications. Proper attribution serves as more than a polite gesture; it validates the creator’s ownersh...