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Molloy DSG Professional Digest

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Being a Force For Good

Unlock the true power within and level-up.

An individual has a choice, always in the present, on if to act positively toward the well-being of others and creating positive change in the world, regardless of the scale. It starts with the recognition that our actions, no matter how small, can ripple outward and impact other people in our communities, across the nation, and around the world. Whether through business, kindness, or service, being a force for good involves making intentional choice...

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VPNs Do Not Conceal Criminal Activity

Regardless of what one thinks, everyone is completely tracked.

Using a VPN or proxy service to conceal illegal activities is a flawed strategy, particularly given the data collection practices of modern operating systems and the advanced tracking capabilities of law enforcement. VPNs today are often marketed as tools for changing your location, masking your IP address, or bypassing geographic restrictions, however relying on them for anonymity creates a false sense of security. Operating syste...

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Enhancing Security Through Automation

Modern day asset and personal protection is now easily accessible.

Integrating current generation technology into around-the-clock personal surveillance systems elevates security significantly by providing continuous monitoring paired with enhanced precision and responsiveness. Unlike traditional surveillance, which relies heavily on rudimentary sensors and human operators, modern systems automate threat detection and analysis in real time. Using technologies like enhanced motion and audio det...

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Have Unfettered Bravery in the Face of Abuse

Would a man fear a man he wouldn't ask advice from?

A man of masculinity is grounded in strength, character, and integrity; he cannot fear a man who is abusive toward women and weaker individuals because such behavior is fundamentally rooted in cowardice and insecurity. Masculinity, in its healthy form, embodies qualities like courage, responsibility, and the instinct to protect those who are vulnerable, not dominate them. A man who demonstrates the ability to inflict physical and emotional ha...

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Irrelevating the Ownership Role in One Phrase

Ego is irrelevant to how the business actually performs.

When a business owner responds to constructive feedback or advice with phrases like, “This is my business, and I am the one who owns it,” it can be a red flag signaling deeper behavioral patterns that may negatively impact the business and workplace culture. While it’s natural for entrepreneurs to take pride in their ventures, this kind of defensive reaction often indicates insecurity, a resistance to change, or a need for control ...

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Drug Abuse Within Business Leadership

These covert habits harm every organization from the top down.

Identifying substance abuse in leadership roles, specifically cocaine and alcohol use, requires careful observation, as those in high-ranking positions often develop sophisticated ways to hide their habits. Both substances impair judgment, decision-making, and interpersonal relationships, but their signs can differ. Cocaine’s stimulating effects often cause bursts of hyperactivity, risk-taking behavior, and mood swings, while alc...

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The Worst Types of Embezzlement to Avoid

Burning money that should have been used in good faith.

The illegal use of company funds and drug-related misconduct are critical issues that can severely impact a business' integrity and sustainability. When individuals in positions of trust, such as owners or executives, misuse company resources for personal gain or engage in illegal activities like drug use, they not only compromise their own ethics but also jeopardize the entire organization. Embezzlement is a prevalent form of financial m...

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Importance of Creative Authorship Citations

Removing author citations from contracted work is theft.

Intellectual property (IP) theft becomes especially egregious when an author’s citation or credit is removed from their work without their explicit or implied permission. In creative, academic, and professional contexts, the removal of credit is not just an ethical violation—it carries serious personal, legal, and professional ramifications. Proper attribution serves as more than a polite gesture; it validates the creator’s ownersh...

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No-Contract 1099 & Intellectual Property Ownership

Written contracts matter in terms of fair agreements.

In most jurisdictions, the general rule is that the creator of the work—here, the contractor—automatically owns the intellectual property rights to the materials they produce, even if they are providing services to an entity. This applies unless there is an explicit agreement, usually in a contract, stating otherwise. Without a formal contract specifying that the entity will own the work product, the contractor retains the copyright to ...

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Driving Habits Signal Normalized Behaviors

In other news, the sun is bright today.

Poor and antisocial driving behaviors are more than just bad habits on the road–they are often a direct reflection of how someone treats others in everyday life. When we sit behind the wheel, all the social filters we put up at work, with friends, or on social media start to slip away. The road becomes a kind of truth serum. Those who tailgate, cut people off, speed through neighborhoods and school zones, or refuse to let others merge aren't just d...

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Disgracing Business by Bringing Bullying Behaviors

Abusive behaviors create toxic environments prone to failure.

Bullying in business and professional settings manifests in various insidious forms that can damage individual well-being and poison workplace culture. Unlike schoolyard bullying, workplace bullying is often subtle, carried out through manipulation, exclusion, or exploitation of power dynamics. These behaviors frequently overlap with abusive personal behaviors, creating a toxic environment that erodes morale, productivity, and menta...

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Thank God for Comedy... in Marketing?

Humor is a powerful persuasive tool when building an audience.

In today's crowded and fast-paced marketplace, capturing and retaining consumer attention is more challenging than ever. Brands must find innovative ways to stand out, and one of the most effective tools in any arsenal is comedy. Good quality comedy in marketing not only entertains but also engages, resonates, and creates lasting connections with audiences. When executed well, comedic marketing can enhance brand image, increase cus...

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Implications of a Love Market Downturn

Love is sacred, love is kind; please sign on the dotted line.

The love and romance market is a vital component of both social stability and economic prosperity. It encompasses a broad range of industries, from online dating platforms to wedding services, and plays a crucial role in facilitating meaningful human connections. Our evolving cultural landscape has introduced several challenges that threaten to undermine the integrity of this market, but has concomitantly blessed us with the opportu...

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Identifying Opportunistic Shifts in Perspective

Side with me because we're both awesome.

Recognizing when a person of stature has opportunistically shifted their perspective requires not only careful observation of their current behavior but also a thorough examination of their historical actions and inactions. The patterns that emerge from a person's past decisions, or lack thereof, can provide valuable insights into whether their current stance is driven by genuine conviction or by a desire to win favor or advance a personal agenda. By an...

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The True Linguistic Definition of Leader

Words matter when defining who you are beholden to.

In any organization or community, the individuals we recognize as leaders hold a significant amount of influence. They set the tone, establish the culture, and often dictate the direction in which the group will move. However, not everyone in a leadership position is inherently worthy of the title "leader." It is crucial to be discerning in whom we acknowledge as a leader, reserving that designation for those who genuinely embody the qualitie...

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