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Be Unframeable

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Be Unframeable - Chapter 1: Being Framed is Real

Con artists have made their problems into yours since the dawn of time.

Consequential to most of our daily lives, we live in bliss to the nature of the intentions of those around us. We go on our days assuming all people are benevalent without consideration of the basic nature of human desperation. Desperate actions can affect even someone flush with plenty; the acts of the desperate may be from anything from petty theft, to lying to stay out of jail, or the commission of a complicated fraud scheme. Desperate people take advantage of benevalent people; and the construct of these essays will be to lay out how an individual can be framed by an act of desperation committed by another. Armed with knowledge on how to protect oneself from the malevalent actions of another is a basic construct to leading a successful life. Anyone who exists with the attitude that everyone is good becomes prey to the predatory and desperate individuals in society.

Framing is the act of contextually feeding a narrative at an authority and into society that falsely accuses another individual of committing a crime. A frame job can take various forms; a full-on lie about another person, or by only indicating half of a true story with the framer playing victim. Framed people can be be a target of someone who wants something the victim has, or an unknown person used by a criminal looking for a way out of a crime they committed. Clear examination of the facts may not always be available, and as such the tragedy of the frame unfolds deeper into the target's life.

Being prepared for being the victim of a frame job requires an incredible amount of inner-strength built on the trained instinctual desire to reject malevalent behavior by others in society. When you're framed, the following about you immediately become affected:

  • Reputation - Anything you built will become tainted by the narrative of the frame, and you'll find out who your real friends are. Chances in business will be threatened and major work will have to be done to protect reputation from futher damage. Retribution is possible but that's not relevant during the beginning of the process of being framed.
  • Protection - Anonymity provides a basic level of protection that is lost when attention is brought against the target of a frame. Suddenly the right to exist becomes littered with those seeing justice for an illigitimate accusation, and real threats loom around the corner.
  • Provision of Fair Justice - Frame jobs accuse an innocent person of doing something they didn't and this fact will be completely lost within the justice system which will be full of people who are guilty of crimes. Frame narratives are built to blend a person in with all the criminal noise, to paint a narrative to "seal the deal." It becomes more difficult to combat this when a narrative when reputation has already been smeared.
  • Personal Security - Defense against a frame job carries huge financial cost that not everyone can afford to bear. In the event of one's framing, they might miss a mortgage payment because they're stuck in jail and can't make bond, or have to forego that payment in order to bail out just to not lose their job. Put someone in a perfect storm of financial vulnerability and they may lose their house, pets, job, car; it's immensely destructive.
  • Mental Health - Being the victim of a framing can end a 20-year streak of happiness and satisfaction with life and enter the victim into a deep depressive state. Depression can lead to consequences such as missed opportunities and decline in overall health which may or may not be permanent. It can forever affect someone's ability to socialize. Getting through it requires incredible fortitude that not everyone has built.

Conceptually, framing shouldn't exist; normal people with healthy and kind intentions to others do not commit crimes for which they need a patsy. Ideally in society, everyone has the right to exist without the interference brought on by the harms of others. There is a class of people in every society in this world that do bad against others but are smart enough to distract from their commission of crimes and paint the blame on others. The unfortunate truth is that we must all take personal common sense everyday protections to deflect against these types of increasingly common behaviors.

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