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Executive Leadership Strategy

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Being a Force For Good

Unlock the true power within and level-up.

An individual has a choice, always in the present, on if to act positively toward the well-being of others and creating positive change in the world, regardless of the scale. It starts with the recognition that our actions, no matter how small, can ripple outward and impact other people in our communities, across the nation, and around the world. Whether through business, kindness, or service, being a force for good involves making intentional choice...

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Have Unfettered Bravery in the Face of Abuse

Would a man fear a man he wouldn't ask advice from?

A man of masculinity is grounded in strength, character, and integrity; he cannot fear a man who is abusive toward women and weaker individuals because such behavior is fundamentally rooted in cowardice and insecurity. Masculinity, in its healthy form, embodies qualities like courage, responsibility, and the instinct to protect those who are vulnerable, not dominate them. A man who demonstrates the ability to inflict physical and emotional ha...

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Irrelevating the Ownership Role in One Phrase

Ego is irrelevant to how the business actually performs.

When a business owner responds to constructive feedback or advice with phrases like, “This is my business, and I am the one who owns it,” it can be a red flag signaling deeper behavioral patterns that may negatively impact the business and workplace culture. While it’s natural for entrepreneurs to take pride in their ventures, this kind of defensive reaction often indicates insecurity, a resistance to change, or a need for control ...

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The Worst Types of Embezzlement to Avoid

Burning money that should have been used in good faith.

The illegal use of company funds and drug-related misconduct are critical issues that can severely impact a business' integrity and sustainability. When individuals in positions of trust, such as owners or executives, misuse company resources for personal gain or engage in illegal activities like drug use, they not only compromise their own ethics but also jeopardize the entire organization. Embezzlement is a prevalent form of financial m...

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Driving Habits Signal Normalized Behaviors

In other news, the sun is bright today.

Poor and antisocial driving behaviors are more than just bad habits on the road–they are often a direct reflection of how someone treats others in everyday life. When we sit behind the wheel, all the social filters we put up at work, with friends, or on social media start to slip away. The road becomes a kind of truth serum. Those who tailgate, cut people off, speed through neighborhoods and school zones, or refuse to let others merge aren't just d...

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Disgracing Business by Bringing Bullying Behaviors

Abusive behaviors create toxic environments prone to failure.

Bullying in business and professional settings manifests in various insidious forms that can damage individual well-being and poison workplace culture. Unlike schoolyard bullying, workplace bullying is often subtle, carried out through manipulation, exclusion, or exploitation of power dynamics. These behaviors frequently overlap with abusive personal behaviors, creating a toxic environment that erodes morale, productivity, and menta...

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Identifying Opportunistic Shifts in Perspective

Side with me because we're both awesome.

Recognizing when a person of stature has opportunistically shifted their perspective requires not only careful observation of their current behavior but also a thorough examination of their historical actions and inactions. The patterns that emerge from a person's past decisions, or lack thereof, can provide valuable insights into whether their current stance is driven by genuine conviction or by a desire to win favor or advance a personal agenda. By an...

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The True Linguistic Definition of Leader

Words matter when defining who you are beholden to.

In any organization or community, the individuals we recognize as leaders hold a significant amount of influence. They set the tone, establish the culture, and often dictate the direction in which the group will move. However, not everyone in a leadership position is inherently worthy of the title "leader." It is crucial to be discerning in whom we acknowledge as a leader, reserving that designation for those who genuinely embody the qualitie...

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Identifying Dangerous Traits in Civic Leadership

The Warning Signs of Bad Politics

Civic leadership carries a great deal of responsibility, as the individuals in these positions are entrusted with the welfare of the community, the fair implementation of policies, and the ethical management of resources. However, when civic workers, elected or unelected representatives, administrators, or buerocrats possess traits of narcissism, machiavellianism, or psychopathy, the potential for abuse of power and harm to the public is significantly heighten...

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Gaslighting Behavior: Implications, Transparency, Parallels

There is an undeniable repulsion to being gaslit.

Gaslighting is a psychological manipulation tactic where one person, often subtly, tries to make another person doubt their own perceptions, memory, or sanity. This behavior can be particularly insidious because it often involves a slow, systematic erosion of the victim's confidence in their own thoughts and experiences. Over time, the person being gaslighted may start to question their reality, making them more dependent on the gaslighter's ve...

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Malevolent Schemers or Con Artists in Business & Civics

They're creative, but often lack thrust when it matters most.

In both business and civic spheres, the presence of malevolent schemers or con artists can have devastating effects. These individuals – driven by self-interest and unethical motives – exploit systems, deceive stakeholders, and undermine trust. Understanding the behaviors and traits that lead to the creation of such individual personalities is crucial for prevention and early intervention when being targeted by a schemer...

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Organizational Culture from the Top Down

Ain't no hope if the top leads like the bottom.

Leadership plays a pivotal role in shaping the behavior and culture of an organization. The actions, decisions, and attitudes of leaders set the tone for the entire organization, influencing how employees interact, how they approach their work, and how they perceive the organization's values and mission. When leaders prioritize accountability, transparency, and support, these values permeate the organizational culture, fostering a positive, produ...

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Things to Consider Before Committing to Perjury

Perjury, the act of lying under oath, poses immense risks when a business is sued for alleged wrongful actions. In the context of business litigation, perjury can exacerbate legal troubles, damage reputations, and lead to severe financial and criminal penalties.

Perjury in Context

Perjury is a criminal offense that carries serious legal consequences. When a business leader commits perjury during litigation, they can be charged with this crime, leading to potential fines and imprison...

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A Team is "Only as Good as the Weakest Link"

Weaknesses to Avoid When Planning on a Cowboy Culture

The adage "a team is only as good as its weakest link" underscores the importance of individual contributions to collective success. This concept highlights how the performance, attitude, and engagement of each team member can influence the overall effectiveness of the team. In this context, toxic leadership that plays loose by the rules can significantly exacerbate the issue of the weakest link, undermining team cohesion, morale, and productivity...

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Knowing When to Fire a Client

The good faith party must always fire the bad.

In the world of business, the notion of firing a client may seem counterintuitive, particularly given the emphasis on customer acquisition and retention. However, there are situations where continuing a relationship with a client can be detrimental to a business's health and growth. Knowing when to fire a client is a critical aspect of business management, helping to maintain the company's integrity, financial health, and employee well-being. Here...

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Embracing a Competition-Resilient Leadership Mindset

In the business world, competition is an inherent and inevitable aspect of any market. While it is natural for leadership to be aware of their competitors, there is a growing perspective that suggests leaders should not overly worry about or be intimidated by the competition. Instead, they should focus on innovation, customer satisfaction, and internal excellence. The essence of this approach is understanding that competitors will always engage in competitive activities, but the most successful comp...

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Strategic Investment Decisions

When working as an experienced investor with substantial capital, the decision to invest in a company is guided by a comprehensive analysis of its organizational structure and the potential success of its products or services. This evaluation process is critical in identifying promising opportunities and knowing when to capitalize on them or, conversely, when to exit an investment to optimize returns and manage overall risk in your funding.

Assessing Organizational Health

From the pe...

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